Monday, October 4, 2010


Today was great. Spent the day getting to know the other volunteers that will be going through the 10 week training with me and spending the next 27 months in the same country. Had vietnamese for my last dinner and absolutely loved it. So interesting to see so many like minds, on our last night the different groups of us ate Thai, Italian, Vietnamese, Brazilian, you name it, but no burgers and fries here, just the culture of food we thought would be the most difficult to find in Costa. :) I am having a wonderful time already and haven't even made it in country yet. I have never been so ready for any challenges ahead. Its nice to have that affirmation that I am on the right path.


  1. I am so proud of you and excited for your adventure. Stay safe, but enjoy yourself.
    You are off to an awesome start. I love you!

  2. Sounds fun! Good luck on the upcoming flights!

  3. I am so excited for you and can't wait to talk and hear from you in any form of communication you can find. Also nice choice on Vietnamese food, they have good food. I am glad that you were able to meet some people that will also be doing the same thing you will be doing. I believe that you are also on the right path, you have been waiting and planning on doing this for so long, and surprisingly the time is now. Right now you are on a plane to Miami. Yay!! Have a great time and enjoy yourself.

    I miss you and love you soooo much

    Love <3,


  4. Second try posting!
    I do declare I like the ring to your name!
    Be safe, have fun, keep us posted!

    Uncle Jimmy

  5. It used my blogger account name, which by the way is
    I will be doing a winter garden so check it out. The summer garden went well!

  6. I am sooooo proud of you. You are absolutely doing what you need and want to do and I know you will be great at it. I will be watching the blog and thinking of you each day! You go girl!
    Love Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Dewayne

  7. Big hugs from all of us at Pavement!!!

  8. You are such an amazing person, and I can't wait to read more!

    BTW, German Boy is still a good book but not the same without you here to read it with me..

  9. Best of luck to you in your new adventures. You will find it a very rewarding experience. Love, Aunt Jeanne
