Saturday, January 15, 2011


                                                                Cutting banana leaf from tree
Smoking lead to soften it
                                                               Pile of leafs that had been cut down

                                                            Cooking the Tamales out front
                                                                              By by house :)
                                                               Bus almost falling off bridge

                                                                     Random photo of me:)
                                                Wood burning stove outside my bedroom door
                                                                      Making Chicharones
                                                                               Helping stir
                                                          Malanga with whats left of poor babe
                                                                          Finished product
                                                                     Some of my bug bites :/
                                                                        My puppy Abeja :D
                  The closest beach to me in Puerto Limon, Playa Bonita, where I spent New Years
                                                                         Saw him in Limon
My picture wallin my room
                                                               What was my host families pig
                       Making cheese at one of the two cheese plants (quesera) in my community
Cows (vacas) at the cheese plant that provide the milk

Friday, January 14, 2011

New beginnings with the new year

Where to begin. It has been quite some time since I posted last and so much has gone on, so I'll just start with the basics and see where it leads. I have been living in my new site now since December 20th. It was quite an experience to move to a new community and live with a brand new family during Christmas week,  and although apprehensive at first, it turned out quite awesome. Ill sum it up in 4 words...tamales, chicharones, dulces, tamales. Yes I realize I listed tamales twice, well thats because they are HUGE here. And I don't mean the size, but rather their importance. In my community and most communities here, this is something that can define the holiday. We started by cutting the banana leafs from the tree, smoked them over the fire to soften them, cut the leafs off the branches, cleaned them, then cut them into squares. Next was gathering all the ingredients that would go into the pot that the meat would be boiled in over night, everything natural, from different kinds of sticks to leafs to other things I can't identify but came from outside the house. Then to shorten this process up a little, that same water, when the meat was removed was then used to add to the miaz for the tamales (secret flavor adding step:). And the pics explain the rest. Most of this process of course was done at 3:00am over several hours, making around 130. At first I just assumed it was because they were going to be sold at the families Super, but to my surprise, they were all for the fam. Thank god I love them because I ate them at least twice a day for the next two weeks:). Now on to chicharones. Or what can formerly be called a pig or chancho. I don't think I will ever forget what it sounds like to hear a pig killed small town style, it seems to go on forever in a slow painful almost human like scream. And I don't even know which house it came from. Im going to leave the rest of the process to your imagination and please check out the attached pictures to see the last couple steps. 
Now on to some more generals, I was able to bring the dog I adopted from the street in Vuelta de Jorco to my new town and she is happy as could be. I take her walking/running/hiking every day (excluding those of course with torrential downpour) and am happy to have a companion that just wants to enjoy my company and explore alongside me. Which is another important bit of info about my community, it is absolutely gorgeous and I am quickly getting identified as the gringa that is always walking/hiking/running somewhere which is not quite common for a local to do unless they are heading to work on their finca (farm). The great thing about this is by being so visual I have made a lot of friends here who have started coming out with me to explore and for exercise. Also now on Monday I will be starting my official workout class, as requested by a large group of women in the community. I am beyond excited for this! 
Since I'm on the project subject now, things are progressing. Secondary projects such as English & tech classes are in great desire here and I get asked every day when I will start them. Through meetings and lots of cafecito there is also potential for other projects that the community wants, such as creating a womens group,  sports teams for kids and adults, Scouts, and Junior Achievement. As far as the business aspect, that part is coming along a little slower, many meetings to be had before anything really gets started. But I have a calendar full of them. I have already had 2 with the ECC (Empresario Credito Comunitario), 1 with the Asociacion Desarollo, Comite de Deportes, Comite de Agricultura, Comite de la Quesera, etc, with several in the near future that I have a lot to prep for. But all in all with the down and ups that come with this process, things are going well.
Now for the random bits of info.....tall rubber boots are the best investment I have ever made, there are little gnat looking bugs here that if allowed I am convinced would eat me alive (never remember their name but it is something similar to bruja, which I remember because it means witch and these little buggers are!), there is no such thing as to much coffee in Costa Rica, people actually like me more when they find out I'm an addict, I love plantano maduro, I may not live at the beach but if I combined all the lakes and creeks close to me I could easily make one, if you visit someones house you will be eating and having coffee..every time (cafecito), I have already had allergy colds (to many), gripe, foot infections, cuts, bruises, stomach problems, forced insomnia (stupid, so many bug bites it looked like I had chicken pocks, and geez so many more and more to come I'm sure. But without it wouldn't be a real adventure now would it:).