On the work front, my projects are coming along steadily. Still have the fitness class 3 nights a week, teaching English in the neighboring towns elementary school, working with high schools community service project, progressing with bridge project meeting by meeting, and soon, starting my adult English night class, and much more. I have learned that a lot of my job involves just figuring out how. With most often no guidelines or format, when approached about a project idea or community need, the first step involves hours and hours of reaching out to any resource I can find to gather info and create plan of action. Not a single day is the same as the next and that’s something I have learned to love. For example tomorrow morning I have a meeting in a place called Catie in between my town and Turrialba, I cant get there but do I have a way to get home, of course not, because my bus only comes to my town twice a day at best (minus the two days it doesn’t run at all), so today some time will be allotted to creating a plan on how to get back to my town. Do I hike the 3.5+ hours it will take me, try and hitch a ride etc.
Now having been here almost 7 months, I have definitely reached the point where I miss my family and friends every day. I think about the important things in their lives that I am missing that I will never get back. With that being said I am so grateful for the constant support that I receive without fail that reassures me that I should be here doing what I am doing. For this I am truly blessed.